Tuesday, March 24, 2009

incense and peppermints

So I'm trying to get some fresh smells in my place besides the dog and the ashtray and the whiskey bottles (my socks smell like saltines so they're okay).
I open up my latest batch of incense from the bead store on Division and start sniffing for something I can handle on a stressful day.
No matter which colored stick I pull out though all I can smell is stripper.
Like bad vegas stripper- a very hard smell to remove from the subconscious and not anything I'm in the mood for currently.
Guess I need to play some Lady Gaga...


proswell said...

Get some Nag Champa, it has been a staple around my house for years.

fullmarty said...

Not all strippers smell.

Matt said...

@fullmarty- I didn't mean smell as in a foul smell, more in an over perfumey kind of way. Something you need to be in the mood for.