Friday, January 25, 2008


My bestest friend (whom I've never met) sent me a picture of her furrowed brows to match mine. I didn't look at it because, what if it wasn't becoming? What to say.
So, I ignored it- untill she IM'ed later 'please delete'. Well.. You gotta look at something you're going to delete. So, I look... and it's quite cute and charming.
In facto- beautifull eyes (lookies).
(I don't delete it)
She IM's- "don't put that in a folder with the 'random CL People'".
I reply- "random CL People?"
me- "No- It's in my brow folder"
me- "next to clavicles"
She's gonna be pissed when she see's this.

wait, what's this? -


Unknown said...

So pissed, I'm gonna whip you with that PBR bottle at the Skylark.

Matt said...

wee- a comment.

Unknown said...

mockery to boot! you're gonna get it gramps...